Wednesday 8 February 2012

Vassal States - EU, Italy Greece (and WIkipedia)

I have updated the Wikipedia entry for vassal states... Some eu-phile muppet has created a new account just to revert the article (coward). So thought I'd put a copy here for reference...


Vassal state

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another. The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself. Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so; it sometimes implies paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as atributary state. In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide military power to the dominant stat

European Union

The European Union (EU) was originally established as a economic pact between a number of European countries first based on trade but then expanded its membership and developed by steps to establish itself as an independent political identity under the Treaty of Lisbon.
The first member states to truly become vassals of the EU were Italy[1] and Greece[2].
In Italy the EU directly appointed an existing MP as new Prime Minister (Mario Monti) who then appointed a new cabinet including many unelected technocrats all with out reference to the citizens of the country.
In Greece the EU directly appointed an academic as new Prime Minister (Lucas Papademos). Shortly after this, the EU sought to deepen its power over Greece by attempting to directly appoint a commissioner to take direct control of the Greek national budget[3]. There were even suggestions that the country should be renamed to mark a break with its past[4].
The appointment of a financial commissioner was blocked, but a special task force was sent to Greece under the leadership of Horst Reichenbach[5]. This was not well received by many Greek people, who made reference to the Nazi German occupation of Greece in the Second World War[6], and reference made toGauleiter[7] the name for local Nazi party leders during the Second World War.


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