Friday 17 June 2011

Is it Greek revolution, Spanish revolution, real democracy now, take to the streets or what?

Greece seems to be descending into civil war, Spain has dozens of protest camps, some in the main cities, here in middle of Brighton there was a 'Spanish Revolution' camp for three weeks - what's going on?

One thing that is certainly going on is that the UK mainstream media (MSM) aren't keeping the UK public informed. But I will present what I know - maybe others can fill in gaps.

There seems to be mood across Europe, particularly in the EU, particularly in the Eurozone, particularly in the PIIGS nations that governments have disconnected themselves from the people they are supposed to be representing. So, to call government back to account people have taken matters into their own hands.

In Spain, thousands of protesters objecting to their government accepting European Union (EU) measures to change their economy established a camp in the centre of Madrid. This rapidly lead to other camps popping up all over Spain, and then to Spaniards in other countries setting up camps in support. One such camp was set up in the middle of Brighton in a park called 'Old Stein'.

The 'movement' had originally been called ¡Democracia Real YA! (Real Democracy Now!) and started as grass roots a non-party-political association of people with no leaders or central management so no single coherent message. But with the establishment of the camp the name 'Spanish Revolution' started to be heard. And with the establishment of foreign camps, 'Spanish Revolution' was joined by 'Greek Revolution', 'UK Revolution' and even 'European Revolution as disparate groups sought to link together in a common cause.

At the same time as this, there were protest in Greece against their government, the main issue appeared to be dissatisfaction with their government accepting EU measures that the people themselves did not want (just like Spain). I believe these protests started in parallel with the Spanish camps and weren't directly connected, although maybe were inspired by them.

The UK had earlier had some protests by unions and public sector workers joined by students under the name 'UK Uncut' against potential cuts to jobs - this was quite different in that it wasn't a grass roots campaign but a union supported industrial relations campaign. The UK had also had a small 'Rally Against Debt' march which was focused on the debt that the government was taking on in the peoples name with out public support.

Earlier still, in Ireland, there has also been huge public disquiet at their government accepting EU measures that the people themselves disagreed with - but not any protest, marches or camps that I know of.

It isn't clear where these groups are heading, particularly in the UK where the largest protest movement (UK Uncut) are campaigning in support of the former Labour government, while these new movements are campaigning against the political class in general. The new movements seem to have more in common with the smaller UK 'Rally Against Debt' group - who oppose government measures being enacted with out public consent.


  1. The problem is the amount of people that work for the Government and debt are all part of the same thing..

    Many people do not understand how to manage thier own finances, loan have any idea how Government finances work..

    Also many people and politicians do not understand the difference between deficit and debt.. or how both or either need to be managed..

    Government debt is issued by a private bank (bank of England).. every pound issued has debt attached and that is why we pay tax..

    Deficit..if you earn £1500 a month and you spend £1600 a month your deficit is £100.. and this is the problem that England PLC has.. it can not keep up with its debt payments and is still spending more money than it is earning so the debt is getting bigger all the time..

    The Labour Government took on 1 million extra civil servants.. and ignored the debt & deficit.. the current Government are the wicked sister that has to cut all the excess back.. someone is going to loose out.. sad but true..

  2. @Anonymous Yes - in the UK the public and private sector are more polarised than in the rest of EU.

    In most of europe the public sector is part of 'the people' in the UK the public sector is part of 'the government'.

    So when its 'the people' vs 'the government' then unlike the rest of the EU, the UK public sector are with the government...

  3. Exponemos las irregularidades del proceso judicial por la Declaración de Ruina de nuestra vivienda sita en el nº9 de la c/ Brasil en Vigo (Pontevedra, España): . Nos encantaría que publicarais nuestro caso de corrupción urbanística, ya que una de nuestras prioridades es darlo a conocer a la opinión pública.

