Wednesday 1 October 2008

England "The Stately Home"

There are two great risks to the free people of England. The first is the transformation of England from a dynamic wealth generating marketplace into a stagnant environment living off past glories.

The comparison is to the fading Stately Homes that pepper our country side -- build on great wealth by the rich without a thought to cost, because there was plenty more where that came from, in the same way England has been build on the great wealth generated from centuries of dynamic industry. Now, however, many of the stately homes are fading relics, owned by the poor aristocracy who have inherited the assets, but not the wealth generating abilities of their forebears. Smilarly over a decade of Labour government have left England in danger of being in the same position -our wealth creating abilities stripped and not replace, while the valuable assets are sold off leaving us with a fading husk of past wealth that is expensive to maintain. No one can deny that spending money is fun, but if it isn't being replaced with new income, then once the fun ends it ends forever.

1 comment:

  1. This is what they have sold to my knowledge (this is only under New Labour of course, the Tories back in the 80s... well there are not words that can express my anger at what they did)

    DERA (Defence Evaluation Research Agency)
    Royal Mail
    London Underground
    British Energy
    Council Housing
    Royal Mint (This has not actually been sold, yet, but they are planning to. Which again highlights the economic/financial brilliance of New Labour: Who in their right mind would sell anything in these times?)

    There are surely a lot more, well I know there are a lot more just that I cannot recall the names of them all. Safe to say the British public do not own a lot more.

    ohh and just a final thing to top it all of, Gordon selling our Gold Reserves. That was a grand old cock-up much like Napoleon in Trafalgar (but hey I guess we are not allowed to be proud of that victory lest it were to insult the French).
